Today is indeed an historic day. After years of patient waiting the people of the UK have finally been promised a simple In/Out referendum on the EU once an extensive re-negotiation of our relationship and obligations has taken place.
There is one catch to this great news. We will need a Conservative majority at the next General Election in 2015 if we are to achieve this goal. Only the Conservatives promise first this re-negotiation and then the resulting arrangements to be put before the people of the UK for them to have their say. Voting UKIP will only let Labour into power. And Labour's position is perfectly clear, as set out by Milliband in Parliament this lunchtime:-
He simply cannot contemplate the idea of letting the people themselves have any say on this fundamental issue. Big Brother knows best!
And the LibDems? They seem fundamentally opposed to any re-negotiation with the EU. They seem perfectly happy for us to march into an ever closer political union - with each star on the EU flag representing a subjugated region of the undemocratic, totalitarian EU empire ruled by unelected Brussels bureaucrats, officials and an European Parliament in which we have little influence or any power.
My personal preference would be to have had the referendum in this Parliament and I would have campaigned for an OUT vote. To free ourselves as soon as possible from that monster - let them get on with their political union and all the concepts that their officials support (the latest frightening idea being to only allow journalists that support 'European Values' to register and work on newspapers). We could use the vast amount of money we send to the EU to improve services, cut taxes or pay down the deficit. However virtually every senior Conservative that I admire (Carswell, Hannan, Redwood, Fox, even Hague, to quickly name just five) accept that the arrangements set out by David Cameron in his speech today are the most realistic and workable in the situation. Frankly they are better placed to understand both the politics and the logistics - I'm just a humble District Councillor.